Analyze this

analyze, heidi harman, sven hamrefors, entrepreneur, geekgirlmeetup, runalong, School of Innovation, Design and Engeneering, mälardalens universitet, professor,

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In May 2010, I had the opportunity to host a talk for a class at the School of Innovation, Design and Engeneering at Mälardalens University, for one of my favourite professors, Sven Hamrefors, about leadership and process at some of my projects, my startup venture and  the later founded network

Sven Hamrefors is one of those professors that has done it all, psychology, management and law, finilized with a doctoral degree at Stockholm School of Ecoconomics, so i was happy to give a talk for his students when i was asked.

What i did not expect, was the analyze. As a part of the seminar series i was a part of, was that the students analyze the entrepreneur that has spoken, according to a model. So what is she? Analyze this!

Thank you Sven, it was a pleasure.