During this spring(2010) I started GeekGirlMeetup evening sessions becuase we felt that we needed some hands-on practical session on web, code and startups, outside the two-day conference we host twice a year. We ended up having full house everytime, we hade frontende-code, start-up night, and backend-code during the spring sessions.
Concidering that we had 70 participants at every evening session, and 100 per day during the 2 day conferance, we were today very happy to have 89 viewers of our LiveStream today, the first eveningsession for the Autumn, held at Valtech with 70 participants. A pretty good ratio.
@mariasoderberg held a session on frontend-coding, @inselhai on SEO and @animalin held a session on what the future of building themes was. Pretty awesome.
A big thanks to @heidiupdate for moderating, and @emmakoszinowski for Streaming, so that the rest of us/you can see.
A few guiding points: